Ludo's page Hopefully interesting things.


My name is Ludo. I’m a professional software engineer, but educated as an electrical engineer. As a result, I tend to be interested in writing software close to the hardware, and in my free time I play with technologies I don’t get to use at work.

This page has no particular goal. I post things that I find interesting and/or useful. This includes things that took me a while to figure out and got me wishing that somebody had written down how to do it. Topics include, but are not limited to: C, Python, various assembly variants, toolchains, emulators, embedded software, ARM, SPARC, x86. Expect the occasional sidetrack into the space domain.

The page is organized as a blog, but that is mostly because it allows me to organize notes like in my analog notebooks, but with the added benefit of having tags and categories. Hopefully this makes finding things back easier.